Bill Kambol
"Bill Kambol is an American artist residing in Saint Louis, Missouri. He received his Bachelor of Fine Arts, concentrating in Industrial Design, from Purdue University. Away from his daytime role as a designer, Bill developed his artistic skills in several different mediums including oils, graphite and watercolor. Recently, Bill enjoyed a year-long sabbatical where he continued to hone his watercolor skills.
Bill’s art is influenced by the work of David Hockney and Wayne Theibaud and is currently mentoring with watercolorist Ali Cavanaugh. His subjects include, but not exclusive to, portraits, landscape and floral paintings.
Bill’s energetic portraits have the unique ability to use humor to embrace the human experience. “It’s those split second moments that I love to capture and make them last a lifetime. It is incredibly rewarding to see how happy my work makes my clients.”
Bill’s landscapes and florals are inspired from working at his family’s floral and garden shop as a teenager. Bill recently created a series of paintings from the photographs he took on one beautiful spring day at the Keukenhof Botanical Gardens in Lisse, Netherlands. These works convey the feeling of saturation and beauty of the meticulously tended flower beds. His paintings beautifully depict the many rivers of color flowing throughout the garden. Upon his return from his European trip, Bill discovered a wonderful surprise. Looking through some of the slides his father took when he was serving in the U.S. Army, Bill learned that he also visited the same town of Lisse.
These paintings can be viewed at Bill’s current solo show “The Colors of the Netherlands” at the Maryland Heights Community Center continuing until January 5th, 2024. All are welcome to the closing reception on that evening 5:30-7:30.
Bill has been a part three Webster Arts shows, most recently the 2023 Open Theme Annual. His work can be found on his website and on his Instagram page @wkambol ."